Not many people still carry a flip phone. Cell phones have certainly changed over the years.
You can look at almost any product line and see huge advancements over a short period of time. The same goes for insurance, specifically Long-Term Care Insurance.
“We have seen many changes and advancements over the last 10 to 20 years. Even in the past 5 years, we see more options to design an affordable way to protect your future retirement accounts from the financial costs and burdens that come with longevity, “said Matt McCann, a nationally known speaker and expert on Long-Term Care Insurance.
McCann says we continue to see more people needing long-term care services and supports. Advancements in medical science increase longevity. All of this means more people need care and this care is very expensive.
“Caregiving places enormous burdens on those we love and impacts their quality of life, their careers, and their families. Spouses are not in a position to be caregivers. Paid care drains retirement funds and places pressure on income and lifestyle. Without an advance plan, your family will be in chaos,” McCann notes.
Just like cell phone technology, Long-Term Care Insurance has changed over the years. Qualified specialists like McCann can also ensure you receive the correct information when considering your options. Since premiums are based in part by health an age the best time to start planning is prior to retirement, ideally in your 40s or 50s.
“We have many choices today and all of them are very affordable ways to address the impact long-term care has on family and finances. The choice of doing nothing is costly and places tremendous pressure on your family,” McCann said.
There are several categories of products today. These include traditional plans, partnership plans with additional dollar-for-dollar asset protection, shared spousal plans, asset-based plans with death benefits in addition to long-term care benefits, and limited duration plans. These have many policy designs to fit your needs and budget.
“There is much misinformation today on this topic. The fact is Long-Term Care Insurance is easy, affordable, and rate stable income and asset protection,” McCann noted.
McCann helps consumers nationwide with his unique method where people speak with him on the phone while seeing his computer screen on their computer or other devices.
Author: Unknown
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